Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, can cause uncomfortable symptoms like itching and swelling that can affect your vision. At TRIO Eyecare in Baton Rouge, LA, we provide eye exams to learn more about your condition and treatment to help you see more clearly. Before visiting us, we invite you to keep reading to find out about some symptoms of pink eye and why treatment is important!

What Is Pink Eye?

Pink eye occurs when the conjunctiva becomes infected or inflamed. It can develop due to allergies, bacteria, or an infection. However, when it is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, it is highly contagious.

Symptoms of Pink Eye

If you have pink eye, you may experience a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation
  • Red or itchy eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Watery eyes
  • Gritty eyes or feeling as if something is in your eyes
  • Eye discharge
  • Puffy eyelids

How Can Our Eye Doctor Help with Pink Eye?

Not all types of pink eye need treatment, as your body will work to fight off a viral infection. Still, it’s important to receive a proper diagnosis from Dr. Amin. Bacterial infections can be usually be treated with eye drops. For allergic conjunctivitis, we may recommend allergy medications or anti-allergy eye drops to reduce your symptoms.

Preventing Pink Eye

There are some preventative measures you can take to ease your symptoms of pink eye and make sure those around you don’t become infected. Some tips we suggest include the following:

  • Avoid touching your eyes
  • Wash your hands as often as possible
  • Don’t use the same makeup brushes that you did while infected
  • Don’t wear contacts if you have pink eye
  • Be diligent about cleaning and replacing your contact lenses

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any signs of pink eye, our team at TRIO Eyecare in Baton Rouge, LA, is happy to help. Once we learn more about your condition, we can develop an individualized treatment plan that will provide relief. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, call us at (225) 757-0505 today.