Dry Eye Disease

Rethinking Dry Eye

One of the most common symptoms I hear in clinic is regarding dry eyes. And when I tell my patients “Your eyes are watering because you have dry eyes”, I get the ‘deer caught in headlights’ look! Unfortunately, this is only one of many symptoms of dry eye disease.

The Dry Eye Connection


Dr. Amin’s program called The Dry Eye Connection allows the treatment of dry eyes to be simple and effective but it all starts from exploring different methods of healing this disease from the inside out while following a specific treatment plan.

After all, your eyes are a part of your body. Read on to learn how it all starts with YOU!

Dry Eye Symptoms

Gritty &
Sandy Feeling
Burning or
Foreign Body

Do You Have Dry Eyes?

You may if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms! It all starts with you and your lifestyle.

Dry Eye Treatments


Dehydration can cause a list of ailments and symptoms that are very similar to disease when simply drinking enough water can eliminate these symptoms. Dehydration can cause thirst, fatigue, decreased urination, headache, dizziness, and even DRY EYES! The average person should be drinking 10-8 ounce glasses of water daily.


Start with a healthy plant-heavy diet involving the consumption of nutrient-dense plant foods while minimizing processed foods. Plant-based foods are nature’s way of giving us sun-powered health in a delicious, ready-to-eat form while reducing the onset of inflammation and eventually disease.

You Are What You Blink!

Did you know that the average American blinks 75% less than normal?!? Sad, but true, we are all looking at a screen most of the day…like right now! Breaks are vital during prolonged screen time and the 20-20-20 rule should be implemented regularly: take a break every 20 minutes to look 20 feet away or further for 20 seconds.

Stop Stressing

Everything causes some kind of stress on the body. Stress’s effects on the blood and circulatory system are what is thought to cause dry eyes. There are many methods to relieving stress including meditation and exercise. Outdoor activity has a tremendous benefit to not only the body but also to dry eyes. Vit D has shown to inhibit the inflammatory cascade, therefore reducing inflammation! Lower quantities of Vit D effect tear function that needs vitamins to function properly. So get outside…and don’t forget to wear those sunglasses!

Get Some Rest

​​​​​​​Sleep is vital for basic function. Getting sufficient sleep (7-8 hours) has many benefits including getting less sick, better performance throughout the day, and reducing stress on the body. Avoiding screens, even with blue blocking capabilities is necessary to allow proper sleep 3 hours before bed. Turning fans and vents away from you since the constant breeze will cause dryness in your eyes. If you choose to sleep with the fan on, try a sleep mask at night!

Lid Hygiene

A good eyelid hygiene regimen involves lid and lash cleansers, a good oil-free makeup remover, warm compresses followed by lid massage, and preservative eye drops. Treatment plans are specific to the individual and will be customized accordingly by Dr. Amin.


Eyedrops have their place in dry eye management. In addition to the lifestyle measures that need to be implemented, eye drops and therapy are still the mainstay of dry eye disease, depending on the severity. A preservative eye drop is usually recommended by Dr. Amin to prevent further toxicity to the ocular surface. Prescription eye drops are prescribed for more aggressive inflammatory dry eye disease. These are better known as Restasis, Xiidra, and Cequa are prescribed after testing for inflammation via tests known as Inflammadry and Tearlab Osmolarity which look at the health of the tears.

Advanced Dry Eye Treatments

The maintenance of dry eye disease is specific to the individual but involves good communication between the doctor and patient. There are many treatment modalities that can be implemented for dry eye management. These include scleral lenses which are lenses that are inserted over the cornea to where it is bathed in preservative-free solution all day, amniotic membrane which contain many anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help regenerate the corneal surface, and punctal plugs which are inserted into the tear ducts to stop the tears from flowing out of your eyes.

Other treatment options include thermal pulsation devices to loosen the oils from the glands so that normal, healthy oil can continue to be releases onto the eyes. These devices are known as LLLT (Low Level Light therapy) and TearCare to name a few.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment for Dry Eye is a non-invasive and innovative solution we offer. This advanced therapy utilizes pulses of light to address underlying issues causing dryness, inflammation, and discomfort in the eyes. By targeting the root causes, IPL treatment promotes tear production and improves overall eye health.


Discover relief with the TearCare® System, for patients experiencing evaporative dry eye disease caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). This innovative system combines localized heat therapy with manual expression of the meibomian glands, targeting the root causes of dryness. Experience personalized care and effective treatment with TearCare® for a comprehensive dry eye solution.

LLLT (Low Level Light Therapy)

This innovative therapy involves the use of low-intensity light to stimulate cellular activity in the eyes, promoting natural healing processes. LLLT is designed to reduce inflammation, enhance tear production, and alleviate dry eye symptoms.